MembershipVRPS MEMBERSHIP CLASSIFICATIONSAny agency organized for the purpose of providing leisure services or goods for a particular sector and aligning its aims and objectives consistent with those of the VRPS, Inc. Available to departments of parks and recreation and includes director's membership, plus (1) one professional member (New Members are encouraged), listing and logo online with the VRPS membership directory, free classified/job listings at, as well as free jump link to the agency website from Professional - $70 / YearProfessional working directly in the delivery of parks, recreation, and leisure services. Benefits of classification level include voting rights, ability to hold an elected office position and chair a standing committee within Society, access to the online Membership Directory as well as the Members Only sections of Associate - $25 / YearThis includes: board/commission members; any individual currently employed part-time in the delivery of park, recreation, and leisure services; or any individual not eligible for professional membership, including volunteers. Benefits are the same as the Professional level with the exception of: not possessing voting rights or the ability to hold an elected office position or chair a standing committee. An associate may serve as a lay representative to the board. Retired - $40 / YearIncludes individual retired from the direct delivery of parks, recreation, and leisure services. Benefits of classification level include voting rights, ability to hold an elected office position and chair a standing committee within Society, free classifieds postings, as well as full use of Members Only sections of Student - $25 / YearAny individual currently enrolled FULL-TIME in a college or university as a candidate for a degree in the leisure service field of study who does not qualify for a professional or associate membership. Shall be entitled to all privileges of the Society except the right to vote, hold elective office, and chair a standing committee. College & University - $115 / YearCollege or University dedicated to educating students on the delivery of parks, recreation, and leisure services. Benefits include free job bank and classifieds postings, as well as the full use of Members Only sections of Includes one faculty member (benefits of professional membership).
Commercial - $250 / YearCompanies other than non-profit organizations involved in the delivery of leisure services, equipment, supplies or similar associated activities. Each Commercial Member will receive: